25 November - International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 2021
When we tell a woman how she should dress, that is violence
When in the back of our minds when we think about an episode of violence such as a rape, we wonder where that woman was, what time of day or night, if she had had a drink or smoked a joint, that is violence
If we think that we have to say "well done" to a man who helps out at home, cooperates, and fully shares the household commitments, that is violence
Everything that discriminates women from men, that considers them different as human beings, with different goals, purposes, lives, that is violence.
Feminicide and domestic violence are children of this way of thinking, not just another emergency to face now. They are part of a culture that we carry with us and that we must win, delete, with daily work.
Much depends on us "males", but a lot is also up to women, because how they raise their children, their male children is very important, how they make them perceive from the beginning that we are all equal, without differences and that we must remember this not only today, November 25 -the Day Against Violence Against Women.